Table of Contents
What is Anavar (Oxandrolone)?
Anavar (oxandrolone) was first released to the commercial market by the pharmaceutical company Searle in 1964. It was developed for the treatment of muscle wasting diseases and was the main drug prescribed to HIV patients during the 1980’s AIDS epidemic. HIV patients who were given Anavar had better body composition, quickened healing, and better strength then the HIV patients not given Anavar (1).

39 patients with HIV-related muscle wasting conditions receive either oxandrolone (Anavar) or megestrol acetate treatments
Anavar is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived steroid. The androgenic: anabolic ratio of Anavar is 45:320, giving it one of the lowest androgenic ratings out of all the commercially available steroids. Anavar is one of the few steroids that is safe to use by females. Anavar does not increase estrogen, prolactin or progestin levels so side effects like gynecomastia and water retention are impossible. Anavar is promoted as providing “clean and dry gains”.
Anavar can be used by itself or stacked with other steroids. The drug possesses a mild liver toxic nature so running a good quality liver aid supplement based on milk thistle, NAC and TUDCA during and after use is a smart idea. As with all steroids, Anavar will suppress natural testosterone production so a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) is needed after each cycle.
Who Uses Anavar (Oxandrolone)?
Anavar is a favorite amongst men and female fitness models, men’s physique competitors and women bikini competitors. Anavar provides really clean gains due to the fact that it causes no water retention or bloat. Have you ever noticed the incredibility round and full muscle bellies of a fitness model in a bodybuilding magazine and wondered how the heck their muscles are able to look like that? That’s the type of cosmetic effect Anavar gives the physique.
Absolute change in total fat mass (A) and trunk fat (B) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry from baseline to study week 12 (solid bars) and from baseline to study week 24 (open bars) in the placebo (n = 12) and the oxandrolone (n = 20) study groups. Values are means ± SE. *Significant decrease from baseline, P < 0.001. † Significant difference between study groups for change in fat mass from 0 to 12 wk, P < 0.001. (2)
Another reason why Anavar is so popular among fitness models is because it doesn’t require injections and it’s one of the safest steroids in terms of hair loss. Fitness models are constantly traveling for photo shoots and oral steroids are very easy to use when travelling. All steroids will cause hair loss to some extent but Anavar is extremely mild in that regard.
Anavar will help you develop the physique of male fitness models Lazar Angelov, Sergi Constance, Greg Plitt or female fitness models Paige Hathaway and Jamie Eason.
Oral oxandrolone decreased SQ abdominal fat more than TE (testosterone enanthate) or weight loss alone and also tended to produce favorable changes in visceral fat. TE and ASND (nandrolone decaoate) injections given every 2 weeks had similar effects to weight loss alone on regional body fat…These results suggest that SQ and visceral abdominal fat can be independently modulated by androgens and that at least some anabolic steroids are capable of influencing abdominal fat. (3)
Half-life, Detection Time, Dosages and Usage
Steroid | Detection time | Half life |
Anavar (Oxandrolone) | 3 weeks | 8 hours |
The recommended dosage is 40-60 mg per day for males and 5-20 mg per day for females. Due to its short half-life, it is best to split up the daily dosage into an AM and PM dosage. Taking Anavar with a meal containing grapefruit will increase the drug’s bioavailability because a substrate in grapefruit decreases the protein expression of the enzyme CYP3A4. This prevents the drug from being metabolized in the intestines and increases the bioavailability of the drug.
Side Effects
Anavar’s popularity comes from its mild nature. It is one of the safest steroids. However, as a modified 17 alpha alkylated steroid it does carry a liver toxic nature. That being said, it’s hepatoxic nature is significantly less than other oral steroids. Anavar does not aromatize into estrogen so an aromatase inhibitor (AI) is not needed. This also makes side effects like gynecomastia, water retention and increases in blood pressure impossible.
All steroids will negatively impact cholesterol levels. This isn’t a huge concern unless you have pre-existing cholesterol issues. The negative effects on cholesterol can be easily mitigated by following a cholesterol friendly diet (high in omega 3 fatty acids and vegetables and low in saturated fats, simple sugars and refined carbohydrates) and by regularly incorporating cardio into your training program.
Anavar Review
Managing Side Effects
A few key supplements can reduce Anavar’s negative impact on liver enzymes and blood cholesterol levels. A good liver aid supplement containing NAC, milk thistle and TUDCA will help keep liver toxicity to a minimum. Fish oil, coenzyme Q10, red yeast rice, hawthorn berry and niacin have all been clinically shown to improve cholesterol levels in humans.
The easiest way to get all those supplements (and more) is through the daily usage of N2guard and fish oil. N2guard contains over 40 ingredients to promote healthy organs, reduce oxidative damage and promote optimal health.
Sample Anavar Cycles
Men will get the most out of Anavar by stacking it with a testosterone base.
Male Anavar Cycle Lay Out
Week | Testosterone
Aromasin | Cardarine (GW501516) | N2guard |
1 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
2 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
3 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
4 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
5 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
6 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
7 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
8 | 500 mg/week | 40-60 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
Anavar is suppressive of natural testosterone production so a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) is needed after each cycle. Start the PCT 4-5 days after your last testosterone injection if you were using a short estered form of testosterone such as testosterone propionate. Start the PCT 10-14 days after your last injection if you used a long estered form of testosterone such as sustanon 250, testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate.
Male Post Cycle Therapy
Week | N2guard | HCGenerate ES | Clomid | Nolvadex | Cardarine (GW501516) | Ostarine (MK2866) |
1 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
2 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
3 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
4 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
Females are much more sensitive to anabolic hormones and will get fantastic results using Anavar as a standalone cycle.
Female Anavar Cycle Lay Out
Week | Anavar
(Oxandrolone) |
Cardarine (GW501516) | N2guard |
1 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
2 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
3 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
4 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
5 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
6 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
7 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
8 | 5-20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
Although females don’t have testicles, they still produce testosterone. Females need to run a post cycle therapy (PCT) after each cycle just like men do. Females should start their PCT 4-5 days after the last Anavar dosage.
Female Post Cycle Therapy
Week | N2guard | HCGenerate ES | Cardarine (GW501516) | Ostarine (MK2866) |
1 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
2 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
3 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
4 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
- D. Mkaya Mwamburi, Jül Gerrior, Ira B. Wilson, Hong Chang, Ed Scully, Shiva Saboori, Laurel Miller, Janet Forfia, Mary Albrecht, Christine A. Wanke; Comparing Megestrol Acetate Therapy with Oxandrolone Therapy for HIV-Related Weight Loss: Similar Results in 2 Months, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 38, Issue 6, 15 March 2004, Pages 895–902,
Journal of Applied Physiology 2004 96:3, 1055-1062
- Oral anabolic steroid treatment, but not parenteral androgen treatment, decreases abdominal fat in obese, older men.
J. C. Lovejoy, G. A. Bray, C. S. Greeson, M. Klemperer, J. Morris, C. Partington, R. Tulley
Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1995 Sep; 19(9): 614–624. (PMID: 8574271)