Table of Contents
What is Dianabol (Dbol)?
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) was first introduced to the medical community by Dr. John Ziegler in the mid-1950s as an American response to the Soviet’s use of Testosterone in their Olympic athletes. In fact, Dianabol was the first orally active anabolic steroid to be sold on the commercial market.
How it works
Dianabol is carbon 17-alpha alkylated, which allows you to take the steroid orally. Without this modification it would be impossible for the anabolic steroid to survive liver metabolism and reach the bloodstream. Dianabol also possesses a double-bond between carbons 1 and 2, giving the steroid a low androgenic rating.
That said, Dianabol’s anabolic rating is 210, which is pretty substantial in comparison to Testosterone’s anabolic rating of 100. The anabolic effects of steroids promote cell growth (anabolism). While the androgenic effects increase male sexual characteristics (virilization).
How To Use
Dianabol is normally only used during the “off-season” where bodybuilders are trying to build as much muscle as possible. In addition, advanced steroid users will stack Dianabol with injectable steroids such as testosterone and Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate).
Half-life, Detection Time, Dosages and Usage
Steroid | Detection time | Half life |
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) | 6 weeks | 3-5 hours |
The recommended dosage for males is 30-40 mg per day. However, females should not use Dianabol. Due to its short half-life, it is best to split up the daily dosage into an AM and PM dosage.
Taking Dianabol with a meal containing grapefruit will increase the drug’s bioavailability because a substrate in grapefruit decreases the protein expression of the enzyme CYP3A4. This prevents the drug from being metabolized in the intestines and increases the bioavailability of the drug.

Percent Changes in Body Size, Body Composition, and Strength
A dose of 100 mg of methandienone (dbol)/day was given alternately with the placebo in a double-blind crossover experiment. The treatment periods lasted 6 weeks and were separated by an interval of 6 weeks. Body weight, potassium and nitrogen, muscle size, and leg performance and strength increased significantly during training on the drug, but not during the placebo period. – Effects of methandienone on the performance and body composition of men undergoing athletic training [PubMed]
Side Effects
There are serious side effects using Dianabol if you don’t take the proper support supplements with your cycle. Thus, you should research more on dbol side effects here.
- Acne
- Gynecomastia
- Male pattern baldness
- High blood pressure
- Water retention
- Liver damage
- Testosterone Suppression
- Increased bad LDL cholesterol
- Decreased good HDL cholesterol
- Virilization in Females
Managing Side Effects
In fact, a few support supplements can prevent Dianabol from aromatizing into estrogen. Thus, reducing its negative impact on the liver and blood cholesterol levels.
- An aromatize inhibitor such as Aromasin will prevent Dianabol from aromatizing into estrogen.
- A good liver aid supplement containing NAC, milk thistle and TUDCA will help keep liver toxicity to a minimum.
- Supplements that improve cholesterol levels in humans such as fish oil, coenzyme Q10, red yeast rice, hawthorn berry and niacin.
The easiest way to get all those liver health and cholesterol support supplements is through the daily usage of N2guard. In fact, N2guard contains over 40 ingredients to promote healthy organs, reduce oxidative damage and promote optimal health.
Sample Dianabol Cycles
You can run Dianabol (dbol) by itself or stack it with other bulking steroids such as Testosterone and Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate).
Male Dianabol Cycle Lay Out
Week | Dianabol | Aromasin | Cardarine | N2guard |
1 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
2 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
3 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
4 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
5 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
6 | 30-40 mg/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | 7 capsules/day |
Dianabol is suppressive of natural testosterone production. Therefore, you need a proper post cycle therapy (PCT) after each cycle. Start the PCT the day after your last Dianabol dosage.
Male Post Cycle Therapy
Week | N2guard | HCGenerate ES | Clomid | Nolvadex | Cardarine | Ostarine |
1 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
2 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
3 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
4 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |
Generally, advanced steroid users will get the most out of Dianabol by stacking it with Testosterone and Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate).
Male Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle Lay Out
Week | Testosterone
Deca Durabolin | Dianabol | Proviron | Aromasin | Cabergoline | N2guard |
1 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
2 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
3 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
4 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
5 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
6 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 30-40 mg/day | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | 7 capsules/day |
7 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | ||
8 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | ||
9 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | ||
10 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | ||
11 | 500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day | ||
500 mg/ week | 300mg/week | 25mg/ day | 10 mg/ every other day | 0.25mg/ every other day |
Then, start the PCT the day after you finish your Testosterone, Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle.
Male Post Cycle Therapy
Week | N2guard | HCGenerate ES | Aromasin | Clomid | Nolvadex | Cardarine (GW501516) | Ostarine (MK2866) |
1 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | |||
2 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 10 mg/ every other day | 20 mg/day | |||
3 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day | |
4 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 50 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day | |
5 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day | |
6 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day | |
7 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day | |
8 | 7 capsules/day | 5 capsules/day | 25 mg/day | 10 mg/day | 20 mg/day | 25mg/day |